About Company


We are a company from Indonesia with speciality in the Geophysical field that focuses on supplying and consulting Geophysical, Geotechnical, Physics and Instrumentation. With more 23 years of experience in Geophysical field, we believed our experience can contributed more in the future for Indonesia and especially in Geophysical Industry, we also have experience undergoing training and business meetings with several national and international manufacturers and distributors.

Vision Mission


To be the market leader in Geological equipment and services. By leveranging an convergence innovative technology and services.


To value add our customers by providing

Innovative and cost effective Enhance solution to improve productivity and accuracy Excellence after sales service and support

International Workshop

  • 2008 GF Instruments., s.r.o. Brno Czech Republic, ARES Product Training and Service GAMMA RAY, CMD ARES and Multicable Section MCS series

  • 2009 Thailand, Worldwide Dealer Meeting for GPS Equipment

  • 2010 PASI., s.l.r., Seismic Training for Geotechnic Application

  • 2019 Online Training Software Res2D – Res3D inversion

  • 2020 Online Training Geophysical Borehole Logging Equiment on behalf Geovista., Ltd

  • 2020 Online Training Sofware Zond2D/3D Inversion

  • 2021 Online Training Software GRED 3D oleh IDS., S.p.a

National Workshop

  • 2009 Seminar and Training Sesmic Application for Geoteknik at FTTM – ITB

  • 2010 National Workshop Geophysic Equipment as a speaker at UNILA

  • 2012 National Workshop Geoelectrical Power Sounder 2000 Equiment cooperate with Lab-Earth Hazard as a head committee and speaker

Project Completed
Satisfied Clients
Global Partners

Team Skills

With 23 years of experience in Geophysical equipment, I have been trained to operate and service several Geophysical equipment and Geophysical Software

Operating, Installation, Trainer, Service & Equipment Maintenance Automatic Resistivity IP System (ARES Single & ARES II, PASI, SUPERSTING)

Operation, Installation, Trainer, Conductivity Meter CMD-4 (GF Instruments., s.r.o)

Service Multi-Electrode Cable active & Passive, for cable ARES and SUPERSTING

Operating, Installation, Trainer and Ground Penetrating Radar (IDS., S.p.A)

Operating, Installation, Trainer and Exploration (PASI., S.l.r)

Operating, Installation and Trainer Seismic Monitoring (REFTEK., Inc)

Operating, Installation, and Trainer Magnetic Susceptibility Meter SM-20 (GF Instruments.,s.r.o)

Operationg, Installation and Trainer Magnetometer GSM-19T, GSM-19, GSM-90, 856AX (GEM System., Inc – Geometrics., Inc)

Our Client

Our Services

Geofisikaindo besides representative of equipment geophysics, we also serves a mapping service under the surface of the ground by some method of geophysics agency, training service as a trainer geophysics equipment, and the repair of geophysics agency: as follows

  • Survey Resistivity & IP Meter (Geoelectric)

  • Survey Magnetic (Magnetometer)

  • Utilities mapping with GPR

Training Geophysical Equipment (Trainer)
  • Resistivity IP Meter GF Instruments-ARES 5A, ARES II

  • Electromagnetic GF Instruments Conductivity Meter all Series

  • Magnetic Susceptibility

  • Gamma Ray Vario/ Gamma Spectrometer

  • Resistivity IP Meter AGI-Supersting R8/R1

  • Magnetometer GEM System Proton Magnetometer/ Gradiometer

Service Geophysical Equipment
  • ARES 5A/ ARES II Resistivity IP System/ Geolistrik

  • Multi Electrode Active Cable MCS series (ARES Cable)

  • Multi Electrode Passive Cable all model

Our Projects

  • Pusat Survei Geologi – Bandung

  • Geoteknologi LIPI – Bandung

  • Tek-MIRA Bandung

  • Pusat Sumber Daya Mineral BPPT – Jakarta

  • Fisika LIPI – PUSPITEK Serpong

  • Baruna Jaya – Jakarta

  • Badang Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika – Jakarta

  • STMKG – Tangerang

  • LAB-EARTH HADARD – Bandung

  • Pusat Sumber Daya Air – Bandung

  • PUSLITBANG – PT. PLN – Jakarta

  • PTSW BPPT Jakarta

  • BPLS - Sidoarjo

  • Pertamina Geothermal Energy – Jakarta

  • Loka Kerentanan Pesisir KKP – Padang

  • Litbang Pertanian - Bogor

  • PT. Timah

  • PT. WIKA

  • Fisika FMIPA UNIMED – Medan

  • Fisika FMIPA UNP – Padang

  • Fisika FMIPA UNAND – Padang

  • Fisika FMIPA UNSRI – Palembang

  • Teknik Pertambangan FT UNSRI – Palembang

  • Teknik Geofisika FT UNILA – Lampung

  • Fisika FMIPA UI – Jakarta

  • Fisika FMIPA UNPAD – Bandung

  • Fisika FTTM ITB – Bandung

  • Fisika FMIPA UGM – Yogjakarta

  • Geologi FT UPN – Yogjakarta

  • Teknik Elektro FT UNES – Semarang

  • Fisika FMIPA UNTAN – Pontianak

  • Fisika FMIPA UNLAM – Banjarmasin

  • Fisika FMIPA UNTAD – Palu

  • Fisika FMIPA UHU - Kendari

  • Fakultas Teknik Univ. Nusa Cendana – Kupang

  • Fisika FMIPA UNRAM – Mataram

  • Fisika FMIPA KHAIRUN – Ternate

  • Teknik Electro FT UNSRAT – Manado

  • PT. Freeport Indonesia


  • PT. VALE, Tbk – Sorowako

  • PT. Danone Indonesia

  • PT. Borneo Prima Resources

  • PT. Supreme Energy

  • PetroChina – Tanjung Jabung

  • PT. Sebuku Lateritic Iron Ore

  • PT. Juya Aceh Mining

Our Product Partners


Authorized Representative GF Instruments in Indonesia